Fall Mini Deposit

Total cost is $350 +tax for 20 minutes, $175 to book and $175 at your session; you get all the edited images in your online viewing gallery via digital download.
I now accept Afterpay, which will split your balance into 4 payments. You will find this option at the end of the checkout process, by selecting "Pay another way" under Payment information. Then select "New payment method" and click on "Afterpay" and finish the payment process from there. If you would like to go ahead and pay for the whole session via Afterpay, just add the "Session Balance" option to your cart and go through the checkout process above.
These will be at an outdoor location somewhere between Killen and Rogersville (TBD based on the foliage colors at the time of your session.) I will send you the location a few days before your session. Your session start time may be adjusted by 10-20 minutes depending on the sunset times, these times are based off of my guesstimate to when the sunset will be on those days.
One immediate family per time slot, please. If you want large group shots with multiple families, please book back to back time slots and we will make those happen.
If you would like assistance coordinating wardrobe, I would love to help! You can message me on Facebook (I don't always get all of those for whatever reason, so email me if I don't respond) or email me at HeatherHollimonPhoto@gmail.com.
Should inclement weather occur, the makeup days for these will also be on Sundays in the weeks following your booked date.